Friday, October 21, 2011

"God Wins"

Concluding a thorough and hope-filled assessment of what's going on in the world today, at the Pregnancy Care Center Fund-raiser Dinner last night, Rev. Dale S. Kuehne, Ph.D. a pastor and a professor of Ethics, Economics, and Politics at St. Anselm College, re-stated a central biblical theme, "In the end, God wins."  It was refreshing to hear what we believe, but may be doubting as day after day things seem to be getting worse.  He admitted that and said that they will continue to worsen until license and anarchy grind themselves to a halt, for they cannot go on unbounded forever, since they militate against the basic thrust of human nature and society.  They proport an "I" centered world: me, me and me.  We see it as one value after another seems to dissolve in the pursuit of a happiness based on self-gratification.  But, we were created for family, for community, for "the other",  not for self, and the lust for that which satisfies will never be fulfilled until we come face to face with that which never can be known completely and thus never fails to satisfy. Aristotle discovered this principle and St. Thomas Aquinas named it:  God, in echo of St. Augustine's famous observation:  "Our souls are restless until they rest in thee, O God."  Social and moral anarchy might have to evolve further, but when fully disspated, anarchy will cease and the core values will return to their proper place.  We will not self-destruct, but will resurrect. Professor Kuehne's message was given in the context of an organization whose purpose is to offer a choice for life as opposed to death.  The thirty-three babies who were born in Lawrence alone last year as a result of the counseling and love provided by the Care Center attest to the validity of Dr. Kuehne's faith-filled presentation.  I recommend his book, Sex and the iWorld: Rethinking Relationship beyond an Age of Individualism, which is available at a very reasonable price on Amazon.  It makes a lot of sense in a world when non-sense is for a time with the upper hand.
Bro. Rene

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